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Holistic Counseling/Life Coaching
















Holistic Counseling/Life Coaching is an approach which helps clients to heal by taking the entire human being and their life experiences into consideration for assessment and treatment purposes. In other words, where traditional counseling methods consider the psychological ramifications of issues and behaviors; holistic counseling assesses and treats from physical and spiritual contexts--as well as mental ones. A holistic counselor is conscious of clients in their totality; they take an integrative approach to healing the mind. Their work takes them into the multiple dimensions of human experience; the physical, the spiritual and the psychological. Ultimately, they seek to heal by helping their clients to break free from destructive behaviors and enjoy a new and improved state of mental, spiritual and physical health. These counselors do not consider the client as damaged and in need of repair; they instead focus on helping the client release the spiritual perfection which lies within.


  • Physical Aspects: Holistic counselors look at a client’s presenting symptoms and issues and evaluate how the physical body is involved and affected with the goal of facilitating a sense of physical well-being. Counselors have a spectrum of areas in which they can be licensed and specialize; for example: Reiki-based treatment, yoga instruction, energy healing, chiropractic techniques, massage therapies and applied acupuncture/acupressure—just to name a few. Many offer their clients assistance with dietary issues, weight management, vitamin and mineral supplementation, exercise and the development of proactive health measures.

  • Spiritual Components: The holistic counselor acknowledges that the human spirit is intricately involved in the healing of the total person—mind, body and soul. Some are denominationally pre-disposed to one religion or another; but an increasing number choose to incorporate the spiritual aspect in a generalized way. Albeit, some holistic counselors choose to let the client assert and superimpose their personal orientation onto the spiritual work that is done in the therapeutic environment.

  • Psychological or Mental Components: Naturally, the holistic counselor will be cognizant and attentive to the mental condition of the client. Skills and knowledge acquired through academia and internships help the practitioner to sort through symptoms and behaviors to assess issues and determine plans of action or direction. The holistic counselor does not abandon historically employed methods; they choose, however, to integrate them into their supplemental observations based on a physiological and spiritual assessment of the client.


       We are Qualified and Board Certified in Holistic Counseling/Life Coaching.







**It is important to note that there is a difference between a therapist who takes a holistic approach and someone who “counsels” or “coaches” clients by using holistic techniques. The former practice under their state licenses. The latter is a person has achieved certification or earned specialized credentials in the fields of Holistic or Life Coaching.

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